IPE berichtet über Ueberlegungen bei der PK Post betreffend die Mitgliedschaft beim Proxy Advisor Ethos. Diese stehen im Zusammenhang mit dem Austritt von Francoise Bruderer (Bild), Geschäftsführerin der PK Post, aus dem Verwaltungsrat bei Ethos Ende vergangenen Jahres. IPE schreibt:
The €15bn pension fund for the Swiss mail services, PK Post, is to review its membership of the proxy voting foundation Ethos over concerns about the organisation’s governance.
Françoise Bruderer Thom, managing director of the PK Post, confirmed the plan to IPE but did not give a specific date for when the trustee board will conduct the review.
Bruderer Thom had a seat on Ethos’ trustee board until December 2017, representing one of the foundation’s largest members. She resigned together with lawyer Monika Roth, member of the supervisory board, in protest at the foundation’s governance.
Ethos was set up in 1997 by two pension funds in Geneva to provide environmental, social and governance consulting and proxy voting services. Today it has more than 200 pension provider members.
“Because I no longer want to support the [management] at Ethos and [board chairman] Dominique Biedermann is not pushing his own succession plan, I demanded his resignation as president,” Bruderer Thom told Swiss media in December.
However, Biedermann refused to resign his post so Bruderer Thom and Roth, who supported the criticisms, left.
In a reply to IPE the PK Post managing director said she “does not want to make any more public statements” on the subject.