Der umfangreiche KPMG Pensions Accounting Survey 2019, beruhend auf den Daten von 212 Pension Funds in Grossbritannien per 31.12.18, fasst die wichtigsten Trends zusammen. Darunter auch der auffallende Rückgang der Lebenserwartung im vierten aufeinanderfolgenden Jahr.
KPMG’s Pensions Accounting Survey 2019 key headlines are:
- Median real discount rates are still negative, with discount rates at 2.9% and assumed RPI inflation at 3.3%.
- Median life expectancy assumptions have reduced for the fourth consecutive year. With the publication of CMI (Customer Managed Inventory) 2018 in March 2019, we can now anticipate a ‹lost decade› of life expectancy improvements between 2009 and 2019.
- The landmark judgment on Guaranteed Minimum Pension (GMP) equalisation impacted many companies in 2018. Around 70% of companies have reported an impact of 1% or less of total liabilities.
- Following the House of Lords’ inquiry into RPI inflation, it is expected that RPI inflation could fall by up to 0.3%.