ipeBarbara Ottawa nimmt sich in Investment & Pensions Europe die Altersvorsorge 2020 in der Schweiz vor und diskutiert die Positionen von SP und SVP bezüglich Umwandlungssatz und Rentenalter. Sie hält fest: “So the future of the Swiss second pillar will be shaped in political debates but there are several voices from the pensions industry calling for a de-politisation of certain topics regarding occupational pensions. They would like to see the decision on the conversion and the minimum interest rate to be taken out of the political arena. This might happen with the conservative SVP in power since it supports these steps and would even cut the AHV/AVS’s dependence on federal contributions, leaving it to be financed by wage-related income only. The next elections for the Bundesrat as well as the parliament in Switzerland are scheduled for 2015.”