
Die Pensionskassen der Niederlande haben mit den gleichen Problemen zu kämpfen wie die hiesigen. Es drohen höheres Rentenalter und/oder sinkende Leistungen. Die Financial Times schreibt:

The Netherlands’ transport system was hit by a 24-hour national strike as train, tram and bus drivers protested at pension reforms that could mean a higher state retirement age and uncertainty over income in old age. Public sector workers and employees in other industries then joined a second day of protests after a national call for action by Dutch trade unions.

At the heart of the unrest is the prospect that thousands of retired Dutch workers face cuts to their pensions as early as January, which places enormous pressure on the government, employer representatives and trade unions to thrash out a solution to the nation’s looming retirement predicament.

“It would be disastrous for trust in the retirement system if cuts to pension payouts have to be introduced,” said Jacqueline Lommen, a senior pensions strategist at State Street Global Advisors, the US asset manager.

The Dutch strikes are a warning to other countries as they struggle to ensure the sustainability of pension systems due to the growth in the number of retired workers and the retreat by companies globally from generous defined benefit schemes that guarantee retirement incomes.
