imageDas California Public Employees› Retirement System (Calpers) hat Elisabeth Bourqui zum neuen Chief Operating Investment Officer ernannt. Calpers hat Anlagen in Höhe von 351 Mrd. Dollar.

Bourqui leitet derzeit noch die Vermögensanlage der ABB Pensionskasse. Sie hat einen Abschluss in Mathematik der ETH und ist Mitglied der Schweizerischen Aktuarvereinigung. Sie spricht fliessend deutsch, französisch, englisch und japanisch. Calpers schreibt:

As COIO, Bourqui will lead the business and operations functions of the Investment Office. She will provide leadership on matters related to investment policy, and will manage investment compliance, operational risk, and audit-related functions. She will serve as a member of the Investment Office senior management team.

«Elisabeth brings a tremendous depth of global experience to CalPERS,» said Ted Eliopoulos, CalPERS chief investment officer. «Elisabeth will strengthen our efforts to innovate, and to integrate business practices across our global investment platform. She will also be instrumental in the implementation of business strategies particularly in private equity and asset allocation.»

Bourqui replaces Wylie Tollette, who left CalPERS in December 2017 to rejoin Franklin Templeton. She will begin at CalPERS on May 14, 2018.

Bourqui has more than two decades of experience with pension asset management, consulting, and investment banking. She currently is the head of pension assets and liabilities management at ABB Group. Prior to ABB Group, she was an investment consultant with Mercer specializing in public and private pension funds.

Bourqui holds bachelors and masters degrees in mathematics, and a PhD in mathematics and financial mathematics, from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich. She also is a member of the Swiss Society of Actuaries. She is fluent in French, English, German, and Japanese. In 2017, Bourqui was one of the winners of Chief Investment Officer Magazine’s Industry Innovation Award, and was recognized by IPE in its Pension Fund Achievement of the Year category at its annual awards ceremony.

Update: In einer früheren Version dieses Posts hiess es, Elisabeth Bourqui sei Mitglied der Kammer der PK-Experten. Richtig ist, dass sie Mitglied der Schweizerischen Aktuarvereinigung ist.
