Bei den jährlich von der IPE vergebenen Awards wurde Elisabeth Bourqui, Geschäftsleiterin der ABB Group Pension Management mit Sitz in Zürich, mit dem “Pension Fund Achievement of the Year” Award geehrt.
Im Bericht der IPE heisst es:
Elisabeth Bourqui heads the Zurich-based ABB Group Pensions Management team whose remit is to oversee the collective management of the multitude of pension schemes that ABB sponsors worldwide. This includes more than 100 defined benefit and 50 defined contribution funds – both open and closed with different liability and pay-out structures – covering more than 400,000 members. Bourqui joined ABB in 2012 and since then the team has conceived one of the most advanced methodologies for running multiple arrangements in multiple jurisdictions.
This is a risk-based approach that is tailored to the needs of each scheme allowing for the best risk-adjusted returns. Rather than rely on a single set of assumptions, the methodology Bourqui’s team applies is designed continuously to question the basis for investment based on both established processes and other sources of information.