
The 2006 Mercer survey covers 574 European pension funds, with assets totalling €364 billion. The survey includes 426 UK pension funds with assets totalling €258 billion (£177 billion) and 148 funds from continental Europe and Ireland, with assets totalling €106 billion. 

This is the first year that Merer carried out the survey to cover pension funds across Europe. Previous surveys have covered UK funds, and the 2005 results are compared with those of previous years. In future years Mercer will have comparative information to look at the changes to the asset allocation of pension funds across Europe.

The publication also has market profiles for the following countries: Belgium, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom.

Figures relating to asset allocation throughout this survey relate to those funds adopting fund specific benchmarks, rather than those following an industry average benchmark.
European asset allocation.